Friday, July 13, 2007

Burn multiple ISO into DVD

Non Oracle Post

If you have downloaded software and if it comes in multiple cd ISO images and want to burn into one single image for creating dvd then do the following.

In my case some of the linux s/w which i downloaded has multiple cd's so I used the below method to create the dvd image. I used the single iso image to install linux on vmware.

cat image1.iso image2.iso image3.iso >imagedvd.iso
cat image1.iso > imagedvd.iso
cat image2.iso >> imagedvd.iso
cat image3.iso >> imagedvd.iso

All the contents if 3 iso images are clubbed into one image.

Hope this helps someone

Thursday, May 17, 2007

How to setup more than one AD Domains for OID External Authentication (10.1.2 vs 10.1.4)

You might be wondering why I am comparing 2 versions, when we started our integration, 10.1.4 was released and I read technet documentation but could not find any information on metalink (all the info is for 10.1.2 and 9.0.4) and at my earlier project I worked on integrating SiteMinder against 10.1.2, thats how I got some insight into differences which I am sharing with you.

The above combinations are integrated with instances, To login to 11i Users are externally authenticated by AD or Siteminder and 10gAS is used as a intermediary to accomplish it.

We have multiple domains, so I worked on seting up multiple plug-in for external authentication. But at the end we ended up using AD Global Catalog.

10.1.2 - Source:

1) Go to $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin
2) Make a copy of oidspada.pls file, and save it as oidspada2.pls
3) Modify oidspada2.pls
* Replace OIDADPSWD with OIDADPSWD2 (Global replace)
4) Make a copy of file and save it as (Global Replace)
* replace "oidspada.pls" with "oidspada2.pls"
* replace "adwhencompare" with "adwhencompare2"
* replace "adwhenbind" with "adwhenbind2"
* replace "OIDADPSWD" with "OIDADPSW2"
5) Run
It will register new profiles for new domain.

10.1.4 - Source:

1) Configure external authentication for one domain
2) Dump the configuration information into LDIF file
ldapsearch -p 3060 -D cn=orcladmin -w welcome -s sub -L -b "cn=plugin,cn=subconfigsubentry" cn="oidexplg_*_ad" >> output.ldif
3) Modify the output.ldif
cn=oidexplg_compare_ad with cn=oidexplg_compare_ad2
cn=oidexplg_bind_ad with cn=oidexplg_bind_ad2
Change the values for orclpluginflexfield;host and orclpluginflexfield;port for the external directory host name and port number
Modify orclpluginsubscriberdnlist for the plug-in invocation naming context.
4) Upload the new plug-in information
$ORACLE_HOME/ldap/bin/ldapadd -h host -p port -D cn=orcladmin -w orcladminPwd -v -f input.ldif

Test using ldapbind and ldapcompare against both the domains
a) ldapbind -h oidHost -p port -D "cn=ADUser,cn=Users,dc=uk,dc=acme,dc=com" -w adpassword
b) ldapcompare -h oidHost -p port -D "cn=orcladmin" -w iasadminpswd -b "cn=ADUser,cn=Users,dc=uk,dc=acme,dc=com" -a userPassword -v adpassword

a) ldapbind -h oidHost -p port -D "cn=ADUser,cn=Users,dc=us,dc=acme,dc=com" -w adpassword
b) ldapcompare -h oidHost -p port -D "cn=orcladmin" -w iasadminpswd -b "cn=ADUser,cn=Users,dc=us,dc=acme,dc=com" -a userPassword -v adpassword

Good Luck

Configure OID External Authentication Plug-In (10.1.2 vs 10.1.4) against Microsoft AD

We recently integrated our instance with 10gAS (10.1.4 Identity management) using external Authentication from Microsoft Active Directory. Automatic USER provisioning from AD to OID to 11i.

The way external authentication happens in 10.1.2 and 10.1.4 is quite different.In 10.1.2 it uses pl/sql plug-in and 10.1.4 it uses java plug-in.

In 10.1.2 you have to run "$ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin/" to register adwhencompare & adwhenbind profiles.

In 10.1.4 you need to run "$ORACLE_HOME/ldap/jlib/oidexcfg.jar oidexcfg -h oidhost -p port -D cn=orcladmin -w password -t AD" to modify the oidexcfg_compare_ad and oidexcfg_bind_ad plug-in's, the same can also be modified by login to ODM and going to Plug-in Management.

After registering run the following commands to check if AD can authenticate you
1) ldapbind -h oidHost -p port -D "cn=ADUser,cn=Users,dc=acme,dc=com" -w adpassword
2) ldapcompare -h oidHost -p port -D "cn=orcladmin" -w iasadminpswd -b "cn=ADUser,cn=Users,dc=acme,dc=com" -a userPassword -v adpassword

In 10.1.4 you can still use pl/sql plug-in for external authentication but make sure you are not hitting bug#5912665

Another important thing is - In 10.1.2 "orclUserPrincipalName" objectclass contains the external identity used for validating to Active Directory and in 10.1.4 "orclSourceObjectDN" is used instead.

Good Luck

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Timeout Setting when you have 10gAS integrated with 11i along with External Authentication

We are using 11i ( with 10gAS ( with AD external Authentication. The timeout behavior was not consistent across the board.

The following places needs to be modified to set timeout across the board

System Profile option ICX:Session Timeout 30 (Minutes) file session.timeout=180000 (Milliseconds=30 Minutes)

a) Navigate to http://:port/pls/orasso
b) Login with an administration account
c) Press 'SSO Server Administration'
d) Press 'Edit SSO Server Configuration'
e) In the section 'Single Sign-On Session Policy', change the Single Sign-on Session Duration from 8Hrs to .5 Hr (30 Min) ---This must match 11i Timeout

Other Timeouts

Set Global Inactivity Timeout – Login as ORASSO and run $ORACLE_HOME/sso/admin/plsql/sso/ssogito.sq set the “inactivity_period” in Minutes (Default 15 min, To disable timeout set inactivity period to 0)

Set connectionIdleTimeout = 30 (default 120 min) in $ORACLE_HOME/sso/conf/

Set OssoIdleTimeout on (Default off) in $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/mod_osso.conf

To set the interval in ODM select the server, then the Query Optimization tab, LDAP Connection Timeout. The set to 30 (default is 0, no timeout). The value is in minutes. The value should be set to less than any firewall or load balancer timeout.

In ODM select the server, then the System Operational Attributes tab, Statistics Collection Interval is set to 15. The default is 60 minutes. This value should be set to about half the connection timeout.

Bounce the services on 10gAS and 11i
opmnctl stopproc process-type=HTTP_Server
opmnctl startproc process-type=HTTP_Server

opmnctl stopproc process-type=OC4J_SECURITY
opmnctl startproc process-type=OC4J_SECURITY stop start

Good Luck...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Oracle Applications Benchmarks

Just saw this article on Oracle site, benchmarks for medium and small configurations.

Hope this helps

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wanna know version of RedHat installed?

Wanna know exactly what version of redhat/centos/enterprise linux you are running?

Normally on any unix flavors if you do "uname -a" you get all the details along with servername, o/s build details.

If yo do the same on redhat, it will not tell you what version you are running.
$uname -a
Linux servername 2.4.21-47.ELhugemem #1 SMP Wed Jul 5 20:30:35 EDT 2006 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

To know the version on Redhat/Centos/Oracle Enterprise Linux you need to ...
$cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon Update 8)

$cat /etc/enterprise-release
Enterprise Linux Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (October Update 4)

Good Luck and Cheers!