Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Convert openssl to oracle wallet certificate

Oracle Wallet certificate is different from openssl certificate. If you already have a openssl certificate for and want to use the same certificate for 10gAS then follow the steps to convert openssl certificate to Oracle Wallet certificate. Thanks to my colleague Jim Kennedy he has put the steps together.

For detailed explanation refer to metalink Note:340178.1

1) Copy the following files to a directory (e.g /var/opt/oracle/walletcert)
server.crt = Standard server certificate (received from Verisign)
server.key = Standard key (generated with openssl - 1024.key)
ca.crt = Combination of intermediate certificate and root certificate concatenated

2) Generate wallet certificate
$IAS_HOME/Apache/open_ssl/bin/openssl pkcs12 -export -descert -in server.crt -inkey server.key -certfile ca.crt -name server_wallet.crt(can be anyname) -out ewallet.p12

3) Copy/ftp the walletcert directory to the server where 10gAS is installed.

4) Open and save the certificate using owm executable.

Good Luck and Cheers


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this! We are upgrading to 10g, and your advice saved us from having to get our certificate reissued.

Ron Swartzendruber

Anonymous said...

I tried but in own I get "invalid password" message, any hint? please!

Shyam Enuganti said...

You have to use the same password, the one you passed when running openssl.

Zip the whole directory and ftp, instead of individual files (binary format)

Let me know if it worked

Anonymous said...

Even a couple of years after you wrote that, your clear instructions saved me a lot of time and effort, and possibly also some expensive consultant bills. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Hi, we're experiencing the same problem "the password is incorrect, try again?" but this is not a descriptive error, what is happening is that you MUST put the CAs that signed (entire certificate chain) the imported certificate...(-certfile)


Unknown said...

Worked for us. Thanks!

storozhsergeich said...

Could you explain how to obtain a root certificate. in: ca.crt = Combination of intermediate certificate and root certificate concatenated ?

Shyam Enuganti said...

Download Root Cert

Download Intermediate Cert

Combination of root.cert and Intermediate cert