Thursday, September 21, 2006

Insight into AutoConfig

I am going to give you some insight or inner working of this tool. Thanks to Harminder Singh (Try at your own risk)

For detailed information on AUTOCONFIG refer to the following metalink Note:165195.1, Note:218089.1, Note:270519.1 and Note:217368.1.

Wanna create CONTEXT file manually, try this ... and then copy the generated XML to $APPL_TOP/admin/host_SID.xml tier=apps appsuser=apps appspass=pswd log=$HOME/admin/log/adconfig_`date '+%m%d%y_%H%M%S'`.log out=$HOME/admin/SID_`date '+%m%d%y_%H%M%S'`.xml servername=nodename

Wanna Update the tags in CONTEXT File, try this to update tag s_appsEnvName to SHYAM
java -classpath "${CLASSPATH}:${CMDDIR}/java/" ${HOME}/admin/SID.xml s_appsEnvName "SHYAM"

Wanna try to instantiate configuration files from custom driver and templates files based on the values from CONTEXT FILE.
java -classpath "${CLASSPATH}:${CMDDIR}/java/" -e $HOME/admin/${TWO_TASK}.xml -d /d01/sid/admin/custom.drv -log /d01/sid/admin/$CONTEXT_NAME.xxcinstantiate.log -bacdir /d01/sid/admin/bak/$CONTEXT_NAME -pwd NOP

Good Luck and Cheers!

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